Friday, March 19, 2010


It all came to me in this one class of a course which focuses upon human relationships and interactions. Generally I tend to like the subject, however, this one course tries to put human beings and their actions in a structure, that I believe is not really possible, and rigid ones at that..
The day's topic was 'Decision Making' and I felt It would be interesting, however, it wasn't to be. It hit the heights of absurdity when the facilitator tried fitting different models (one of them aptly named 'The garbage can model') into the process of choosing one's life partner. One of the most important, beautiful, emotional and sensitive choices in one's life was being put forward as reaching a 'solution' to the 'problem at hand'!! All through the past two months, I had been constantly holding onto my belief in the subject against the wishes of people around me and then there was my super-ego forcing me to being diligent, paying attention in class and being a 'ghissoo' as it is put in our XL community. However, this class got too much for even me and I lost myself in my thoughts......
Decision....A very important aspect of one's life. A single word that can make the world turn on it's head.
Decisions are made at every step, at every moment.....I look back... that one moment when I decided to not give in to certain pressures and chose to pursue an MBA,the moment I decided to break the shackles and inhibitions in my mind and let go...fall in love..., the decision I made to be the way I am, the decsion to listen to the music I do, to gaze at the stars in the night sky, to pick up a flower, appreciate it & feel the joy within.....there are somany more..too many to be listed...changing every moment, every hour, every lifetime..
The decisions I have made till date, some right but quite a few wrong, however, I don't regret having made them....They helped me become the person I am.
The class is almost over...Time well spent...
My take away from the lecture, a random flow of thoughts, a goofy smile on my face and an interesting 'fact'....
'If we change a molecule of a painkiller, we will get a hairspray...' (collected from the presentation given by the lecturer during one of the rare moments when I decided to pay attention in class).
Did you know that?? :-P

Sunday, March 7, 2010

To Baba...On his birthday...

Dear Baba,

I’m away from those soothing words, the caring soul, the simple mind,

Looking for beauty, searching for knowledge, a love for nature that’s out of its kind,

Enthusiastic about life, its small wonders, magnanimity and pleasure,

A creative heart, a sensitive being that the world fails to measure...

It’s not now that I felt this, it’s just that I feel more inclined to show,

Baba, there have been times I’ve fought, been adamant, but I would like you to know,

I am not expressive enough, but I hope you understand,

The love and respect I have for you is a celebration, it’s grand,

The times when I’m up in the loft, flipping through your writings,

The times I remember you taking me around to see the Pujo lightings,

Your questions about random trees, birds and sometimes the name of road,

The way you bring security into our lives and our warm, beautiful abode,

The way I cherish it when you praise me, when you support me with what I want,

Makes me feel like bringing to you all I can and sometimes even what I can’t,

The advices you give, the words you share, the little joys that bring to us all through,

Baba, I realise I don’t say or show it much, but I truly, deeply love you.

            Lots of hugs and kisses on this special day,


Happy Birthday!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Starry , starry nights,
Where do you take me to?
Into the shimmering lights,
I feel like I belong to you......

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

a cloudy day....the stillness in the air....hustle-bustle all around...people running around,going berserk....a shout here..a rush there...I draw myself out of it it from a long, silent walk...listen to my favorite around with some colors...spend time with myself...hadn't done it in a long time...If I was me I'd be annoyed with many days without this...but better late than all seems beautiful again...I go back to the world but this time with a smile in my heart...